Sunday, August 15, 2010

Morning movements

I managed a head stand this morning for the first time ever! I feel accomplished. I know it's slightly off topic but I think yoga has a lot to do with sustainability. Here we go, second post and I'm losing people already... wait, I have no people. HA!

Yoga is the oldest form of meditation and exercise and is far more beneficial than almost any other work out because it challenges more than just your body. Yoga strengthens your body by lengthening and toning your muscles but also has the same effect on your mind by increasing your focus and challenging your attention helping to get you motivated and get your day started. It's also one of the few workouts that can help you relax and de stress allowing for you to sleep. The best part - YOU ALREADY DO IT! That's right. If you wake up in the morning and stretch before you get out of bed or before you start your day your already doing basic yoga.

Anyway, I enjoy my new found yoga practice and feel as though it has inspired me on my voyage of sustainability. Yes, I give the credit to yoga.

So yoga, let me thank you. You have increased my strength, flexibility, confidence, and so many other things. You've also decreased my carbon foot print.

Now if you can just get my hips to open up I'll love you even more....

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